Women's Fellowship
Join our active group of women who provide fellowship, assistance, comfort, kindness, and support throughout the year.

Photo (L to R) Beverly Nichols, Carol Sideli, Linda Kaelin, Jocelyn Lane, Gloria Faraci. Helga Weed
The North Congregational Church Knitting Group resumed meeting on Thursday. September 26, 2024. The group accepted hand-made donations of prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets, baby hats, slippers, and mittens at their first meeting. All donated items are distributed to various organizations such as local hospitals, The Leever Cancer Center, local Community Services, and also to members of the community who are in need of comfort and support. North Church members as well as others from the Woodbury area are invited to participate. All levels of ability to either knit or crochet are welcome. Directions, yarn, and needles are available. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 10:00 AM in the church parlor. Please call the church office (203) 263 2410 with any questions
North Church Recognized Women’s 2024 Awards
The Southern New England UCC Women’s Connection recently held a Spring Gathering at the Congregational Church in Portland, CT. Nine women from North Church attended. Among the Recognized Women Awards presented were North Church members Holly Gransky and Nancy Grasing. These “Marthas and Marys” of our Congregation are tireless workers. The event had interesting speakers, a Church World Service Project and a worship service. It was a wonderful opportunity to bring women from SNE together and connect with one another.