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Image by Yusuf Evli
North Church Committees

Congregational Churches are run by boards and committees with the minister as a spiritual leader and “CEO”.  Members are encouraged to share their time and talents by serving on boards/committees. North Congregational Church’s organization structure is as follows:


The Church Council is made up of the Church Moderator, Vice Moderator, the head of each Board/Committee and a member at large.  The Council oversees all affairs of the Church that do not require a vote of the Members at a Congregational Meeting.


The Diaconate is responsible for the spiritual life, well-being and needs of the Church, all things relating to the worship service and providing council, assistance and support to the minister.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for managing the finances and physical facilities of the Church through various subcommittees – Trust & Investment, Budget, Stewardship, Property, and Personnel.


The Music Committee is responsible for coordinating the music program of the Church, and providing for the maintenance of the organ and other musical equipment. 


The Christian Education Committee is responsible for the ministry of Christian Education for children, young people and adults in the Church. >more


The Personnel Committee is responsible for establishing personnel policies, engaging and discharging employees, and making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding salaries and benefits.


The Outreach Committee is responsible for developing programs of outreach and mission, informing the congregation of these programs, and distributing funds from its discretionary fund. >more


The Pastoral Relations Committee is responsible for supervising and coordinating all matters concerning the Minister including setting performance expectations, conducting annual reviews, and making recommendations regarding salary and benefits.


The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of qualified persons for all offices and all standing committees elected by the Church and delegates to area organizations. 

Annual Meeting

What a wonderful Annual Meeting Luncheon last Sunday! Thank you to all the hosts and the behind-the-scenes work, particularly Moderator George Kleros’ organizational leadership. Meeting together once again was a blessing! I hope that we can recommit to our theme “Renew, Reconnect, and Rejoice,” that it might be made real throughout 2023 in a host of ways. Over seventy people were present; it was especially nice to see some of the children again. Good conversation, good fellowship, and ideas for reconnecting were shared. Annual reports are available in the church office. Thanks be to God! 


No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at North Church.


PO Box 473
11 Main Street North
Woodbury, CT 06798

Tel: (203) 263-2410 

North Congregational Church of Woodbury

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