Choir: Want to join? Just show up at rehearsal. See Calendar for dates/times.

Our talented choir meets Wednesday evening from 7 - 8:15 pm for rehearsals in the parlor. We rehearse and warm up again on Sunday morning in the loft at 9:00 am. The repertoire is varied and challenging which makes every week another to look forward to.
Mark is our organist/choir director extraordinaire and enhances our worship service with anything from Gospel to Mozart played either on the grand piano, harpsichord, or organ. We have a traditional music program but that’s not to say we don’t boogie with a little African or Southern gospel tune on occasion. Especially when we add drums and horns for our annual outdoor under the big top Summer Sunday kickoff!
We mostly look forward to our twice-annual Cantatas - at Christmas and Easter.
The choir loft bursts with extra voices and the performance is always masterful. We have a 3-octave set of bells which get played randomly throughout the year. More ringers are always welcome to join and if you have never played but have a basic knowledge of reading music we encourage you to try. During the holidays especially the bells are a wonderful way to enhance our worship service.

On November 19th 2023, the congregation came together to celebrate Mark Focarile's 20th Anniversary as Music Director and Organist! We are blessed to have him lead us in musical worship and were delighted to have the opportunity to share our appreciation. Everyone had a lovely time.